So often in life we are distracted by our situation or mood that we forget to see what is most important. During these times we fail to see all the good things around us, focusing on typically insignificant negatives that have little to do with the facts of the situation at hand. "We find ourselves searching for weeds in a meadow of wildflowers".
Rather than look at the beauty around us, we allow ourselves to focus on a single negative aspect thereby identifying a situation in a narrow perspective leading to an overshadowing of positive thought. All of us have been guilty of this at one time or another as it is a part of human nature.
Think for a moment about what it would be like if we could redirect these thoughts back to the flowing green grasses and flowers of the meadow. The process is simple yet somewhat difficult when our mind wants to focus on finding the negative weeds of the situation. The challenge is to just stop and give ourselves that little moment to take in the beauty around us rather than allow ourselves to be overwhelmed with the insignificant details.
It has been some time since I have attended to this blog. My current work has found me immersed in a world that makes it difficult to maintain a positive perspective. It is only by coming back to the image of the meadow that reminds me that many of the details of thought have little to do with the bigger picture.
While I know that the work I am doing is important, it has led me into many discomforting situations surrounded with thundering negativity making it difficult at times to maintain a healthy perspective. After months of pushing myself, I took a much needed day off to spend a little time hiking in the mountains. Cresting a ridge to find the meadow in the picture was a gift as it clarified this concept that has troubled the back of my mind for some time. That is, our stress often has much more to do with our focus on detail than the reality of a given situation.
My sincere hope is that each of us will keep the image of the meadow available when our world seems to be overrun with weeds. It is said that the devil is in the details and when it comes to our focus, it really is.
Welcome back, Buddhist Conservative! Thought provoking post as ever. We all need reminding to put things in perspective don't we.
Take care
Julie xx
Good to see you posting again, and I'll do my best to carry the ideas here with me, on a day when I do seem to be letting a number of minor details get in the way of everything else...
Good advice, find the joy in life and be grateful. I'll take a little extra time in the garden today. Peace.
Hi Roger,
Thank you for sharing your adventure... the climb, the photograph, the experience. For me, it's more to file under, 'peaceful'.
In peace, Dixie
Greetings Roger,
First of all, it is encouraging to see another posting from you.
One man's weed is another man's flower. Perceptions of all the good around can be sabotaged by what can be seen as that overwhelming negative dark cloud.
I learn a little bit more about myself every time the 'inner critic' screams at me to see my weeds rather than the meadow of wildflowers that are on offer.
The positive me will try its utmost to stay resilient against a negative environment, created by others and compounded by me.
Positivity breeds positivity. I live in hope that positive momentum and 'the image of the meadow' resonates in the minds and hearts of those who want to make our world a better place.
In peace and respect, my friend, Gary.
Hi Roger,
Just a quick return to inform you that I have bestowed a highly coveted blogging award upon you.
'The Versatile Blogger Award' awaits you over at my site.
Thanks, Roger.
In peace, Gary.
Thank you all for the wonderful comments.
Sometimes life can get in the way of doing what we love but I will return to writing and spending more time visiting the blogs I cherish once the dust settles.
Each of you have been a wonderful inspiration to me in my travels. The positive messages that you give make more of a difference than you will ever know.
Great Article, and blog :)
I would love it if you checked out my latest article:11 Reasons Never To Give UP, and feel free to share with the links on the bottom of the page if you like it! I will return the favors! Looking forward to networking with you :)
Quite the thought! I've come to realize that negativity was in the detail some while back. The more we concentrate on dealing with a situation the more troubling it becomes. Feels better to know other people also have the same troubling ever-thinking minds :)
Hope you're in the light of the meadow!
Dear One, I love the title of your blog, and, yes, your work is important and enriching. Thank you for posting. Peace and all good things for you in blogging, contemplation, and life. Metta,
Hi Roger. See my blog post for Feb. 7, 2011. I've passed the "Life is Good" blog award to you!! Congratulations.
Thank you for the reminder that we all need to take stock sometimes, take a step back and not sweat the small stuff. If we continue to think negative thoughts then a whole lot of negative stuff will land on our doorstep. We are the creators of our own reality...enough said.
Outstanding. Metta, Dear One. Peace and all good things for you in contemplation and in life.
good blog and so very true about letting the small things get in the way of the big picture. look forward to reading more
Just stopped by to have another read. Sending you peace.
Is it spring or are you still catching snowflakes on your tongue?
Are the skies still cloudy or have you begun to see the sun?
Whatever you do, however you are, I hope that life's lessons are kind.
This is just a simple visit, to let you know that you were on my mind.
Hello Buddist Conservative. I like your bluntness and the way you can pour your heart out onto paper. I agree with alot of what you have to say. From the negative, the most beautiful things, places, and people and energies can emerge. Every human is on their own individual journey and so many people are feeling cut off and alone. It is the small changes and acts of kindness that we will drop positive ripples into this dark pool. Keep up the great work.
Amazing post.
I've had a rough go of it for a while now and post has been such an inspiration for me. Indeed I HAVE been "looking at the weeds"
Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
The burden that we all bear as people must be let go, no matter how strong our attraction to it. We deserve to be free from the ropes of our stress and troubles so that we can truly live our own life in actual happiness.
First off, that was beautiful. I am not Buddhist but I love the approach that you guys have on things. I really enjoy your thought provoking posts :) check out my stuff? vocalthought.blogspot.com
Happy Father's Day, dear friend.
In peace,
Glad you are inspired to blog again Roger. I have been contemplating this very subject for quite awhile. While practicing the art of appreciation, I also see the journey in a whole new light. Being present and looking forward will naturally release the past. Your words are beautifully written. I look forward to more of your inspired thoughts.
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